Before you begin, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the various components and controls of the system/room in order to ensure that you don’t encounter any issues.
To turn on the TV, use the power button on the TV remote. If the TV remote is not working, it is possible the batteries are dead. Please ask the building administrator for a new set of batteries.
Press the 'input' button on the TV remote to select your desired input source.
HDMI #1 = Room PC
HDMI #2 = Roku
HDMI #3 = Wallplate Port
If you are having trouble using the Room PC, ensure it is turned on and connected to the TV using HDMI #1, labeled “Room PC” in the Input menu.
If the computer is turned off, the button will be ORANGE.
If the computer is turned on, the button will be WHITE.
To use the wireless keyboard and mouse, make sure they are turned on.
The keyboard and mouse use double AA batteries to function.
If you have turned them both on/off and they are still not working, it is possible that the batteries are dead. Please ask the building administrator for a new set of batteries.
Once you have finished using the room, log out of the computer, turn off the TV, and turn off the wireless keyboard and mouse.
PC Audio
Note: Make all audio adjustments on the PC first.
Click the speaker icon (outlined in red).
Drag the slider on the bar left to turn down and right to turn up the volume (outlined in green).
The computer volume is muted if you see the speaker icon with an “x” next to it (outlined in red/green).
To unmute the computer, click the speaker icon with the “x” that is outlined in green.