Microsoft Word 2007 is a part of the Microsoft Office for Windows, while Microsoft Word 2008 refers to the Mac version. It's a good idea to know which version you're dealing with when searching for solutions to problems because their interfaces are different in some ways.
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This procedure uses the Microsoft Office Document Image Writer print driver to save your document as a TIFF file. The Microsoft Office Document Image Writer print driver is a component of the Microsoft Office Document Imaging program and is installed with your Office program.
You can't.
Sometime students will send their professors documents saved with the .pages extension. This is from the Apple iWork Suite's version of a word processor, aptly called Apple Pages. Faculty members you receive a .pages file may email you expressing their difficulty in opening it.
For the most part, the best advice is to request that the student who sent the file go back and re-save it as a .doc (the ONLY other file type Pages can save to). Note, however, that some formatting may be lost while doing this, making it important the student checks their work.
Because said student will likely have to do this for all the work they do on their Mac, you can also suggest the professor recommend the student obtain a copy of MS Office (or literally any other Office Suite --Libre Office, Open Office, etc) in order to save them from what could be a reoccurring problem.
Another option is to instruct the professor open the file with Google Docs. Some loss of formatting may occur.
To put it bluntly, Pages sucks. Don't use Pages.