First prep the email addresses to be added to the list - Using Excel and Word as example
- The addresses MUST be separated by commas.
- . In Excel:
- Open the file containing the addresses to be imported
- Alphabetically order the column containing the email address
- Copy all of the non-blank cells containing email addresses.
- In Word
- Open a new document.
- Using the pastes special options, paste in the addresses as TEXT ONLY.
- Use the Search and replace feature of Word to replace any paragraph breaks with a comma.
- Save the file. Leave the file open.
Next, prep the Google Group for importing (you need to do this just once)
- Open
- Click on Groups in the black banner at top of the window. The Google groups page will open.
- Click on My Groups. The My Groups page will open
- Scroll down to and click on the desired Google group. The Group detail page will open.
- On the right hand side of the screen click on "Mange". The Group management screen will open.
- Assure sure you may add non-domain addresses:
- On the left side of the screen, click on Permissions
- Click on Basic Permissions.
- Assure that the Allow members external to this organization box is checked to "Allow new users not in".
- If not already present, add a Welcome Message. This is required if you users are added.
Now add the users:
- Click Members
- Click Direct Add Members
- Open your source (Word, Excel, etc) for the email addresses you want to copy to the Google group.
- Copy the email addresses by doing a Select All, and then hitting Ctrl-C.
- Click back on the Google Groups page.
- Paste the email address into the Enter email addresses to add as members section of the window.
- Click the add button.
- The addresses should add at this time.
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