Bulk Entry of Email Addresses in Google Groups

Bulk Entry of Email Addresses in Google Groups

First prep the email addresses to be added to the list - Using Excel and Word as example

  1. The addresses MUST be separated by commas.
  2. . In Excel:
    1. Open the file containing the addresses to be imported
    2. Alphabetically order the column containing the email address
    3. Copy all of the non-blank cells containing email addresses.
  3. In Word
    1. Open a new document.
    2. Using the pastes special options, paste in the addresses as TEXT ONLY.
    3. Use the Search and replace feature of Word to replace any paragraph breaks with a comma.
    4. Save the file. Leave the file open.

Next, prep the Google Group for importing (you need to do this just once)

  1. Open My.Knox.edu
  2. Click on Groups in the black banner at top of the window. The Google groups page will open.
  3. Click on My Groups. The My Groups page will open
  4. Scroll down to and click on the desired Google group. The Group detail page will open.
  5. On the right hand side of the screen click on "Mange". The Group management screen will open.
  6. Assure sure you may add non-domain addresses:
  7. On the left side of the screen, click on Permissions
    1. Click on Basic Permissions.
    2. Assure that the Allow members external to this organization box is checked to "Allow new users not in knox.edu".
    3. If not already present, add a Welcome Message. This is required if you non-Knox.edu users are added.

Now add the users:

  1. Click Members
  2. Click Direct Add Members
  3. Open your source (Word, Excel, etc) for the email addresses you want to copy to the Google group.
  4. Copy the email addresses by doing a Select All, and then hitting Ctrl-C.
  5. Click back on the Google Groups page.
  6. Paste the email address into the Enter email addresses to add as members section of the window.
  7. Click the add button.
  8. The addresses should add at this time.

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