How to Connect a Game Console to Knoxtronics

Connecting game consoles, speakers, and Smart TV's onto the Knox Network can be a bit difficult since these consoles were not made with the expectation of being on a secure network like what's seen on most college campuses. Things are getting better, though. Some newer devices actually do support WPA and WPA2, so it may be possible to connect them directly to Knoxtronics.


General Game Machine Instructions

Step 1: To connect your game console or Smart TV to the wireless on campus, you'll need to connect to the Knoxtronics SSID. It will ask for a password or "WEP Key", which is: AsDfGW2481632

Once it establishes a connection, your console will probably say it failed to connect to the internet/Xbox Live. This is normal, ignore the messages.

  • For Xboxes - you will need to click Advanced Options (far right) when list of SSIDS (wireless connections) appears. Select the first option (unlisted) and enter KnoxTronics, with 128 bit WEP encryption, and then enter the WEP key.


Step 2: Open the device’s web browser

If your device does not have a web browser, skip to step 3b.


Step 3: Your device should be re-directed to the Knox Registration page, just like for your computer. Accept the terms and choose the first option (registering as a student). Fill in your username and password and click downloaded as if you were going to get the FortiNAC client. At this point, the network will notice that your console is not running Windows or OSX and will simply pass your console without dropping the FortiNAC client.

  • If you are not automatically redirected to the wireless registration page, navigate to

3b. If the above method doesn't work, you will have to register your console using its MAC address. Register by using this link:
If you don't know how to find the MAC address, you can find out here.

Step 4: You may need to power off the device for 30 seconds and then power it back on before it successfully connects to Knoxtronics. 

If you experience any disconnection problems shortly after you get it all set up, don't worry. After the device gets registered, our network manager has to put it under a special VLAN to make sure it doesn't hop ISPs during streaming/play. You'll know this has been fixed once your console IP Address looks like 10.10.##.###. If this doesn't happen after a few days, submit a ticket to the Help Desk explaining the situation along with your console's MAC Address. For any issues after this change, refer to the previous paragraph. 

If there are any issues getting connected, just let us know, and we can try to help (309-341-7700).

*Note: Know that not all games may work while playing over the Knox Network. Older games, especially, sometimes use communication protocols different and totally separate from Xbox Live, PSN, etc, which our network may not support or may interpret as malevolent. We cannot and DO NOT offer support beyond that point. Most current games should work fine, but we can't make any promises. The nature of the Knox network's goal of being secure conflicts with the device expecting to be operated from a home network. While you'd think Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, etc., would think about the college market, the fact of the matter is that none of them do... at the moment.


Xbox Only

Some Xboxes will need to update before they will generate a MAC address. If your Xbox does not produce a MAC address, you will need to bring it in to go through the update. If you are able to complete the preliminary update from another internet connection off campus, this makes the process much easier and you will not need to bring your Xbox to the Help Desk. If your device is updated and produces a MAC address, you should be able to go through the FortiNAC game registration as usual.

  • If you bring it in: You will hook your machine up to one of the ethernet ports in the back of the office and connect it to a TV screen via HDMI, then update your Xbox here. After the update, it will be able to produce a MAC address and register with FortiNAC


Invalid Device Message

If you see an Invalid Device Message while attempting to manually register the device, this means this particular device type / brand has not yet been recognized by the FortiNAC System.  Note the MAC address and inform the helpdesk via a ticket of the situation, making sure to include the MAC address and the device type. The new device and associated MAC address range will be entered.  Once this is complete, restart the registration process and the device should now register properly.

Have your ticket say “invalid device error message” and then the description should contain your device’s MAC address


Nintendo Wii

As of this date, we have been unable to establish connections to Wiis. This appears to be a wireless security issue on Nintendo’s side

For assistance with an issue, please contact the Knox College ITS Help Desk.
Log into MyKnox and search this link: