ITS Equipment Loan Pool


  • The Knox College ITS Loan Pool is available to actively enrolled Knox College students and currently employed faculty and staff. 

  • Knox College's ITS Loan Pool is for educational purposes only.

  • All loans are done by reservation first, then on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    • Reservations are subject to users returning equipment on time. It is possible equipment may not be available to fill a reservation if there are late returns from other users. It is vital that all users try and have their equipment returned by the scheduled time in order to not disrupt other reservations. 

    • Renewals are not always permitted. If the equipment is reserved by someone else, the renewal will be denied.

  • Some equipment may require training for first-time borrowers. Training guides can be found here or can be found online by searching the brand and model number of the equipment.


  • The borrower assumes full responsibility for all equipment (including software) in their possession.

    • Equipment should not be left unattended in the event of theft, loss, or damage to Knox College property. The borrower is liable for all replacement costs.

  • The borrower agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, Knox College policies, the equipment manual, and the terms and conditions relating to the possession, use, or maintenance of the equipment.

  • Users borrowing equipment do so at their own risk. Any personal injury or damages to personal property as a result of these resources is the sole responsibility of the user themselves. 

Equipment Loan Pickup and Return

  • Knox College Photo ID may be required for equipment checkout. 

  • Equipment reservations can be picked up at the Umbeck Science and Math Center, SMC E005.

  • Students must pick up their own reservations. Faculty may designate a student to pick up their item for them, if needed.

  • The hours during term are (NOTE: hours are subject to change over breaks.):

    • Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM

    • Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

    • Saturday, 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM

    • Sunday, 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM

  • Borrowers returning equipment are expected to wait at the desk during an initial check-in procedure, which may take up to 10 minutes. A more thorough check-in may follow, for which the borrower may stay if so desired. 

Laptops for Student Requests

  • All laptop requests for student use must be approved by the Associate Dean of the College's office.

    • Approval from their office will be provided to the ITS office at their convenience.

    • Written documentation from their office directly to ITS is required.

      • This can be either in the form of an email or support ticket.

    • Once you have received approval from Associate Dean of the College’s office, you are ready to reserve the laptop.

Reserving Equipment

  1. Students, staff, and faculty should open a web browser and navigate to MyKnox.

    MyKnox Link
  2. During the login process you will need to:

    1. Provide your Knox email.

    2. Provide your password.

    3. Two-Factor Authenticate using your phone.

      Login button
  3. Locate the ‘My Apps’ section on the left side of the screen.

  4. Click on the ‘ITS / AV Equipment Loans’ button.

    1. If you do not see this button, type ‘Loans’ in the ‘Filter Apps & Resources’ search bar located at the bottom of the ‘My Apps’ section.

    2. Click on ITS / AV Equipment Loans from the search list.

  5. Once you have clicked on ‘ITS / AV Equipment Loans’, you will be brought to the Knox College location.

    1. Click on ‘Knox College’ as your location.

  6. You will be brought to the Categories page.

    1. Select a category.

      1. If you can not find what you are looking for, we may not have that item available.

  7. For this example, we selected barcode/qr scanner at the top left.

    1. Select the desired device.

  8. You will then land on a page similar to this one.

  9. Fill in the information to the left.

    1. Pickup Date and Time

    2. Return Date and Time

    3. Additional Details

      1. Why do you need the item? In a classroom, for a project, for office use?

  10. Click on ‘Submit Reservation’.

  11. If the reservation is successful, you will see the ‘Reservation Submitted’ at the top right corner of your screen.

  12. If the reservation is unsuccessful, you will see an error message there instead.

    1. An error message may be for a number of reasons but here is the most common:

      1. Loan period is greater than allowed.

        1. This means you are trying to reserve an item for longer than 2 weeks.

      2. Loan period is in the past.

        1. This means your reservation start date or time has already passed. Select a date or time in the future.

      3. Maximum number of overdue loans allowed exceeded.

        1. This means you already have items out on loan and are not allowed to check out another until you have returned some of the previously loaned items.

    2. If you experience an error message, visit the Helpdesk in SMC E005 to see how this can be resolved.

  13. Once your reservation is completed, visit the Helpdesk at SMC E005 to pickup the equipment.

How To Check Your Reservations

  1. Click ‘My Items and Reservations’ to view what you have reserved and checked out.

Shown above:

  1. These are the items you currently have on reservation to pick up at a later date. This row says what the item is (in this case, a MacBook 13), its ID number (useful for the Helpdesk), its pickup and return dates, and whatever notes you wrote about the item when you were creating the reservation

  2. This is the button to cancel your reservation. You will get a confirmation email.

  3. The items you currently have in your possession. If this information is incorrect, inform the helpdesk to see how it can be resolved.

Technical Support

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For assistance with an issue, please contact the Knox College ITS Help Desk.
Log into MyKnox and search this link: