Digital Signage Locations / Content Managers
Building | Floor | Exact Location | ITS Inventory Number | Department in charge of it | Content Managers |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Across from Hard Knox Cafe on left | 5769 | Sustainability | Tina Hope |
Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center (SMC) | 1st floor | Atrium | 6495 | Faculty Administrative Assistants | Kelly Fisk |
Ford Center for the Fine Arts (CFA) | 1st floor | Music Wing | 6496 | Music Dept. | Andy Crawford |
Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center (SMC) | 2nd floor | Atrium | 6497 | Faculty Administrative Assistants | Kelly Fisk |
Alumni Hall | 2nd floor | Petrovich Atrium Portrait Wall | 6833 | Admissions | Norma Rodriguez |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Outside of Founder's Lab on the left | 6837 | Career Center | Jiyou Galloway |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Outside of Founders Lab on the right | 6955 | Campus Life | Missy Kratz |
Alumni Hall | 2nd floor | Vovis Center office | 6957 | Vovis Center | Sandy Jones  |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Campus Life Office | 6977 | Campus Life | Missy Kratz |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Across from Hard Knox Cafe on right | 6980 | Campus Life | Missy Kratz |
Alumni Hall | 2nd floor | Career Center Office | 7233 | Career Center | Jiyou Galloway |
Seymour Union | 1st floor | Lobby | 7236 | Campus Life | Missy Kratz |
Seymour Library | 1st floor | Abolition Lab | 7269 | Abolition Lab | Jennifer Andrella |
Seymour Library | 1st floor | Abolition Lab | 7270 | Abolition Lab | Jennifer Andrella |
Seymour Library | 1st floor | Abolition Lab | 7271 | Abolition Lab | Jennifer Andrella |
Seymour Library | 1st floor | Abolition Lab | 7272 | Abolition Lab | Jennifer Andrella |
Alumni Hall | 2nd floor | Kleine Center | 7297 | Kleine Center | Teresa Nelson |
Hope Center | 1st floor | Reception Desk | 7310 | Center for Intercultural Life | Yasmine Davilla |
Alumni Hall | 3rd floor | Presidentâs Office Lobby | 7312 | Campus Life | Missy Kratz |
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