MG 010

MG 010


Familiarize yourself with the AV equipment


Control Panel

Note: You may use the computer without turning on the control panel or other equipment.

Turning on

The following images will take you step by step through the control panel.


When you have landed on the above screen, you will see the a few messages. They are enlarged for your viewing below.



ā€œProjector is warming up please waitā€. When the projector is warmed up, the overlay message will disappear and you will be able to access the projector controls shown here:

hide video.jpg

If you activate the ā€œhide videoā€ feature, the projection will go blank until you re-enable the projection. Hide video is activated when it is blue.

Epson EB-PU1008W.jpeg
Epson EB-PU1008W

Room PC

When the projector is warmed up, the ā€œwarming upā€ message will disappear and you will be able to access the controls shown below. By default, the ā€œRoom PCā€ is selected initially and should appear on the projection when the computer is awake. Blue means that it is selected.


Troubleshooting the computer


If you think the PC is unresponsive, press and hold the power button for a few seconds to force a shut down, wait a few seconds, and then press the power button once to turn it on.


ā€œPlease log off the computer when finishedā€. Do not shut down the main PC.


To utilize a laptop, connect the Guest HDMI cable that is hanging on the lectern somewhere and plug it into your laptop.

laptop selected.jpg

Audio Levels

Note: Make all audio adjustments on the main PC first.

  • Click the speaker icon (outlined in red).

  • Drag the slider on the bar left to turn down and right to turn up the volume (outlined in green).

Computer Volume
  • The computer volume is muted if you see the speaker icon with an ā€œxā€ next to it (outlined in red/green).

    • To unmute the computer, click the speaker icon with the ā€œxā€ that is outlined in green.

Computer muted

Control Panel Audio

You can mute and unmute the volume by pressing the speaker icon with a slash through it. When unmuted, the button will be gray.


When muted, the button will be blue.


To raise or lower the volume, use the arrow buttons.

raise lower volume.jpg

Although the volume can go into the red, it is recommended to keep it in the blue or yellow area.

Note: Playing audio in the red area for long periods of time may lead to a shorter speaker lifespan.

volume high.jpg

Shutting down the control panel

To shut down the system, press the power button.

shut down.jpg

You will be asked to confirm if you want to shut down. Press yes to continue shutting down.

shut down decision.jpg

The system will then shut down the equipment in sequence, except the main pc.

shutting down.jpg


If you do not use the computer for 10 minutes, it will log you out.

If you do not attempt to use the computer after that, the computer will fall asleep 1 minute later.

If you do not wake the computer back up, 14 minutes later the control panel will display the following message, ā€œSystem turning off due to inactivityā€. It gives you the option to cancel.

If you do not cancel within 1 minute of this message appearing, the control panel will begin the shutdown process as shown above, ā€œSystem shutting down please waitā€.


Projector Screen

The projector screen is manual and there is a string at the bottom center.

To raise the screen, pull the screen by the string out away from the wall a couple of feet, pull down, and release, allowing the screen to retract.

To lower the screen, pull down on the string and let go when the computer image is displayed on screen.


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