CFA 005 - Studio
Red outlined button: This button can power on or power off the amplifier. Turn it on for any audio needs.
Green outlined button: It is the master volume knob and can control all audio output from all sources.
Bass Knob: Leave in middle.
Treble Knob: Leave in middle.
Module Knob: Leave in middle.
Input Knobs: Only turn on the one that is necessary.
Input 1: Not in use (leave off)
Input 2: Not in use (leave off)
Input 3: Not in use (leave off)
Input 4: Not in use (leave off)
Input 5: Not in use (leave off)
Input 6: Not in use (leave off)
Input 7: Not in use (leave off)
Input 8: 3.5mm cable to connect device with right port
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