Uploading a file to Google Classroom
Uploading a file to Google Classroom
In Google Classroom, professors can add assignments where students need to submit their work as a file. Please follow the steps below:
Go to the classroom. You will see a screen similar to this:
2. Click on the assignment, and it will take you to the homework page:
3. Click “Add or Create“
4. Choose the file/files you want to submit, and upload it:
5. You will see this file/ files at the top right corner. When you are ready to submit them, click turn in.
6. After you submitted your work, you will have a screen like this:
7. A professor will see that you submitted your work:
, multiple selections available,
For assistance with an issue, please contact the Knox College ITS Help Desk.
Log into MyKnox and search this link: https://my.knox.edu/ICS/Help_Desk/