Jotform Sub Accounts


Sub accounts are “free” Jotform accounts associated with the College’s Jotform System.

These accounts may create up to 5 forms outside of the College’s system. These forms may then be moved to the College’s system.

Logging Into Jotform

Sub account users should use the Login with Google Option.

Sub Account Creation

  1. Login as KnoxAdmin

  2. Click the account icon:


  3. Click Settings


  4. Click Users:


  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Create New User”:


  6. Scroll back to the top of the page to see the new user entry dialog:


  7. Enter the information as follows

    1. The new users email address

    2. Click Select from my forms

    3. Add the desired forms and folders by clicking on Views Submissions and/or Edit Form buttons.
      - the list is quite long and will take a bit of scrolling.

  8. Click Create


  9. The user will receive an email indicating the account has been created.




Special Accounts

Master Account formsubmission



Access to files



For assistance with an issue, please contact the Knox College ITS Help Desk.
Log into MyKnox and search this link: