SPSS 28 Mac Installation

SPSS 28 Mac Installation



NOTE:  For macOS 14 Sonoma and higher, see step 16 after SPSS is installed.

  1. Navigate to the SPSS folder in smb://sharedapps.knox.edu/mac-apps

a. Login with your Knox username and password when prompted. Username will be KNOX\username without @knox.edu at end.

  1. Open the 28 folder, Double-click the .dmg file that is in there.

  1. Run the installer, you should see the below image.



  1. Click Continue to the next screen

  1. Click Continue again, you will then get the following prompt:

  1. Click Agree to continue to the next screen:

  1. Click Install, it will prompt for the user’s computer login to authenticate.  The install process will take 3-5 minutes to complete.  Afterwards it will open the following window located in the IBM SPSS Statistics folder under the Applications folder on the computer.

  1. Double-click on SPSS Statistics.  The License Wizard will auto launch first with the window below:

  1. After it finishes launching, it will open to a window similar to the one below:


10.    Click Next to go to the next screen similar to the one below:


11.    Click on Concurrent user license.


12.    Enter sync.knox.edu for the License Manager then click Next.

NOTE:  The computer must be on Knox’s network or VPN in order to license.


13.    Once licensed, click Finish and the License Manger will close.  SPSS should launch again but if it doesn’t open the SPSS Statistics application again.


14.    After SPSS finishes opening, it will go to the following window:

Note:  Sometimes the following window will stay behind the previous screen, if it stays on this for more than 2 minutes, move the mouse cursor inside the IBM SPSS Statistics and click a few times, it should then bring the following window up front.


15.    Leave Local Computer selected and click OK.  It should then proceed and finish opening SPSS.  Please note it may take a few minutes for SPSS to fully open after clicking OK.  If you get the following screen, SPSS is launched and licensed!  If it stays on the Server Login window, continue to Step 16.




16.    For versions of macOS 14 Sonoma or higher, a software patch for SPSS is needed in order for SPSS to continue past the Server Login window.  To fix SPSS for newer versions of macOS, first close SPSS if still launched.  Afterward, navigate to SPSS folder in smb://sharedapps.knox.edu/mac-apps. 

a.  First, quit the SPSS application completely if it’s open.

b. Open the 28 folder, inside there will be a folder called SPSS 28 macOS 14 PATCH.

c. Open the zip file inside and extract the contents to the computer’s desktop.  The extracted files will look like the following:



d. Keep this window open.  Next, open the Macintosh HD icon on your desktop and then the Applications folder. Open then the IBM SPSS Statistics folder.

e. Right click on the SPSS Statistics application in the folder and choose Show Package Contents


f. Inside the directory shown, under Contents, then lib and find the file libplatdep.dylib


g. Go back to the window you had in Step 2, find this matching file and copy it over to the exact same place inside the lib folder.  Click Yes to overwrite the file that is already there.

h. Close all windows and now open IBM Statistics 28 again.  The application should now open properly and get past the Server Login window as shown in Step 14.

For assistance with an issue, please contact the Knox College ITS Help Desk.
Log into MyKnox and search this link: https://my.knox.edu/ICS/Help_Desk/