SMC A206

SMC A206

SMC A206

Familiarize yourself with the AV Equipment

AV Equipment

Power Supply

Leave turned on all the time.

Furman M-8Lx

Main PC

Main PC

When the PC is on, the light illuminates WHITE, if you find the PC turned off, press the power button once. 

Do not shut down the main PC.

When finished, log off of the main PC.

  • Troubleshooting the compute If you think the PC is unresponsive, press and hold the power button for a few seconds to force a shut down, wait a few seconds, and then press the power button once to turn it on.

Video Switcher

The video switcher helps select between multiple incoming video sources.

  • Identify the correct input number for your device connection and select it by pressing the appropriate button.

  • The active selection is backlit with a red light.

Kramer VP-773A

Input - 1: Blu-Ray/multi-region player

Input - 2: Document Camera

Input - 3: Guest HDMI

Input - 4: Nothing

Input - 5: Guest VGA

Input - 6: Nothing

Input - 7: Nothing

Input - 8: Main PC

Room Audio

Note: Make all audio adjustments on the main PC.

  • Click the speaker icon (outlined in red).

  • Drag the slider on the bar left to turn down and right to turn up the volume (outlined in green).

Computer Volume
Computer muted

The computer volume is muted if you see the speaker icon with an “x” next to it (outlined in red/green).

  • To unmute the computer, click the speaker icon with the “x” that is outlined in green.


No controls available.

Stewart Audio DSP 100-2

Blu-Ray Player

LG BP-350
click to view full screen

Kaptivo Digital Whiteboard

To connect

  1. Type (this room’s Kaptivo IP address) into a web browser search bar.

  2. Press the button to connect the Kaptivo to the computer.

  3. Enter your name when prompted.

  4. Use the whiteboard.

  5. Save your whiteboards on the computer.

  6. Send the whiteboards to yourself for upload to your course/students.

Document Camera

Epson ELPDC21
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge


To turn on: Press the power button once. Wait for the projection to load. Might take a minute.

To turn off: Press the power button, watch for the text that will show up in the projection. Press the power button again to fully turn it off.

Freeze: This button will “freeze” the projection. The display will stay the same regardless of what you do in the computer. Press the button again to “unfreeze” and the projection will go on as usual.

Epson PowerLite L51OU

Projector Screen

The projector screen is manual and there is a string at the bottom center.

To raise the screen, pull the screen by the string out away from the wall a couple of feet, pull down, and release, allowing the screen to retract.

To lower the screen, pull down on the string and let go when the screen covers the chalkboard for full extension.

Draper Access M with AR basic

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